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2021 Akwaaba Magic toxic couples alert!

18 December 2021
Alexa, play ‘Toxic’ by Britney!
Image from iOS (366)

Did we once create adorable ship names and stalk these couples? Yes! However, some ships were just made to sink and it’s safe to say that our tinted glasses may have initially prevented us from seeing the bright RED colours of these flags. But with time, we noticed the obvious red flags and toxic behaviour from some famous Akwaaba Magic couples.  You said it, we said it, the fans said it, here are our #BestOf21 most toxic couples we sometimes loved to stan on Akwaaba Magic.

Warning: This list may include some of your favourite ships…

  1. Patrick and Dede

The beginning of the #PaDe ship was cute, and we always thought Patrick was so charming and mature, which made him a great fit for our TV favourite, Dede. However, revenge and anger turned Patrick into a bully and made the relationship toxic. Yes, we get it Patrick, you saw your best friend expressing feelings to your woman, but the quest for vengeance and payback is what sank our once sailing ship and we’ll forever blame you for that.

If you think there’s hope for the #PaDe ship after what has gone down with the whole Tony drama in Dede, then we have no words for you.

  1. Akosua and Kudjoe

Akosua’s relationship with her company’s security guard is not one she bragged about on To Have and To Hold, but we can’t deny that these two served major couple goals with their unusual love story. Even though they appeared on our #BestOf21 couples on Akwaaba Magic, it would be wrong not to acknowledge the fact that their crooked, uneven love for each other made their relationship toxic. A relationship where one partner usually felt intimidated by the other, where one partner’s friends looked down on your partner, and one with a shaky trust foundation, is definitely one that should be on this list, right?

  1. Belinda and David

Where do we even begin? The award for most manipulative couple on Dede should go to these two! Just taking up space in the Robertson mansion without doing anything to benefit the family or even themselves, Belinda and David have taken it upon themselves to be nothing but toxic. From always looking for ways to bring Dede down, to trying to take up the “madam” title from Rama in the home and of course, lying about Alice’s true identity, Belinda does nothing besides being a problem to herself and those around her. Her recent relationship with Ziggy has David suspecting his wife and maybe he’ll finally open his eyes to see who she truly is. However, we can’t easily forgive him for standing behind her while she plotted evil against Dede, Michael, and everyone else we love. Who’s with us on this?

  1. Belinda and Ziggy

Belinda’s search for an heir in her husband’s home led her into the arms of an old flame, who’s not just a person of questionable character, but also an obsessed lover. We can’t wait to see how this relationship blows up in Belinda’s face, especially as it’ll be difficult to live her two different lives as lovers to two men of opposite worlds.

  1. Rama and John

We still wonder why Rama hasn’t thrown John out of her mansion, because with a husband like this, who needs enemies? John has singlehandedly destroyed the home and as if cheating on Rama wasn’t enough, he has many times tried to kill his wife. When will Rama finally realise John doesn’t deserve her? And why can’t she just leave him and move on to Dr Gaisie for her well-deserved happily-ever-after ending? Keep watching Dede every weeknight at 8:00pm to find out what will happen next.

  1. Aryee and money

Aryee featured on our best couples’ list because if your partner loves you the way he loves money, then you have no worries in life. But we all know that Aryee’s love for money is what will eventually kill him in the show, Dede. Why on Earth would you try to sell out your niece to rich men to fill your pockets? His meeting with Mr Andoh has put him in trouble bigger than his shoes can fill and will undoubtedly be the end of him, especially because someone with such a chicken mind shouldn’t even be meddling with this kind of “customer”.

There you have it! Our best toxic couples of 2021. Which couple is missing from this list?