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Inside Out


Unmissable moments from the season premiere – Inside Out

08 October 2021
We’re still not over this episode!
Image from iOS (349)

The second season launched on Akwaaba Magic on Thursday October 7, 2021, at 8:30pm and we just couldn’t keep our mouths shut. Not to worry, we have all the gist here, so keep reading!

Maafio is back from the dead

We were sure Soraya killed Maafio and her husband, Sam Lartey in the first season, which was why we were shook to see her alive, healthy, and ready for vengeance in this episode. Apparently, she was in coma and the news was kept away from the public by Detective Coleman, so no one would come for her, while he was investigating the case. The minute she woke up, he asked her some questions regarding the incident that happened at their house resulting to Sam’s death and even though she went down memory lane in her deep thoughts, she lied about remembering anything.

Could it be because she wants to seek revenge from Soraya herself, without involving the Detective?

Soraya meets Maafio

Yes, you read right! Soraya met Maafio just after she got out of coma, and we were super scared when this scene came up. Oh, the look on Soraya’s face upon seeing her greatest enemy was exactly our mood when the two of them sat across each other in the room, as their lawyers went through the unresolved inheritance Sam supposedly left for Clinton. Which in all fairness, is originally Comfort’s which she inherited from the late KorKor, Sam’s first wife. This means Maafio isn’t only back for Soraya, she’s also back to make sure her son, Clinton, gets everything in his name and when Maafio whispered, “Be very careful Soraya”, we couldn’t help but feel sorry for poor Soraya.

The battle of the Detectives

While carrying on his investigation, Detective Coleman went to meet Detective Issa for some answers. “Why is it that the lady you worked alongside with to investigate the Nunoo’s has her name come up numerous times in this murder case against the Lartey’s,” he asked. To which Detective Issa slyly avoided and he asked if Coleman wanted help with his research instead. We can’t wait to see how this unfolds in the police force though.

Maggie and Major sitting on a tree…

Well, in this case, the lovers were reunited in this episode, sitting under a tree as they discussed Soraya being Comfort Mensah’s daughter, the murder cases at the Lartey’s and everything else that had happened while Major was taken away from the house. According to him, he was certain Soraya was behind his arrest because she didn’t defend him when the police came to take him away for being behind the breaking in at the Lartey’s and Maggie told him she didn’t think Soraya would have done that to him. Nonetheless, Major was very sure of his claim and vowed to retaliate.

Soraya’s accident

Just before the car crash, Soraya was talking to Papa Yaw, her boyfriend that she suspects Maafio is back with vengeance because she didn’t confess to the police that it was Soraya who was behind her husband’s death and the attack on their home. The season premiere left us with drooling minds as we saw a car crash into the car Soraya and Detective Issa were in. Is she dead? Who planned this clearly arranged accident?

We can’t wait to have these Inside Out questions answered on Wednesdays and Thursdays at 8:30pm on Akwaaba Magic DStv channel 150.