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Akwaaba Magic,  Leg Work, drama, drama on Akwaaba Magic
Market Queens, Akwaaba Magic, drama, drama on Akwaaba Magic


Known as Naa koshie’s right-hand and the deputy Market Queen. A know-it-all and a bully. A jack of all trade, she has a reputation for venturing into any business at the slightest chance. This puts her at loggerheads with most of the market women for the unnecessary competition. Very quarrelsome and abusive. Manipulative too! A divorcee and mother. Rumor has it that her marriage failed due to the constant abuse towards her husband. She is in charge of the union savings and is Naa Koshie’s worse nightmare for the constant complaints made against her. Quite boastful and loves to make a show of her ‘good life. ’Inwardly however, she has an inferiority complex.