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Tiwa's new beau sparks Dan's jealous rampage – My Flatmates

21 July 2024
When jealousy rears its ugly head, Honourable Dan's obsession with Tiwa takes a dark turn
Tiwa's new beau sparks Dan's jealous rampage – My Flatmates

Jealousy can really mess with even the coolest customers. Take Honourable Dan, for instance. When he saw his crush, Tiwa, with another guy, he tried to play it cool. But inside, jealousy was doing a number on him, and the results were, well, let's say, less than ideal.

Keeping cool (Or trying to)
At first, Dan played it smooth. He saw Tiwa and her new guy and shrugged it off like it was no big deal. He even told Ubong to back off when he tried to rile him up, saying the new guy was no competition. But let’s be real, with insecurities bubbling up and Ubong egging him on, it was only a matter of time before Dan lost his cool.

Tiwa's apology goes south
Tiwa, sensing Dan's chilly vibe, tried to smooth things over. She apologized, assured him the guy meant nothing, and things seemed to be on the mend. That is until she accidentally called the guy "boo" during a call. Oops! That did not help her case at all.

Dan's jealous rage
Feeling humiliated and driven by jealousy, Dan did the unthinkable. He lured Tiwa's new guy into the house and, with Ubong's help, gave him a serious beatdown. Talk about overreacting!

Tiwa's fury
When Tiwa found out what Dan had done, she was furious. The tables had turned, and now Dan was the one begging for forgiveness. But Tiwa wasn't having it. Any talk of romance between them? Totally out the window. Dan’s jealousy had pushed him too far, and now he might have lost Tiwa for good.

Is this the end for Dan and Tiwa? Will she move on with her new guy? Catch all the drama on My Flatmates, every weekday at 7 PM on Africa Magic Showcase!

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