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Colette's dog is missing – 10th Avenue

21 July 2024
From losing her daughter to now her dog, Colette's pain is palpable. How does one cope with such loss?
Colette's dog is missing – 10th Avenue

Okay, so this whole Lauretta situation is wild, right? We were all shocked when Colette burst into tears, talking about her missing baby. Imagine our surprise when we found out it was a dog! Like, who sees that coming?

We totally felt for Colette. Her world was shattered two years ago when her baby was abducted. It was a raw, open wound, and finding a furry friend to fill that void was understandable. But then, poof, the dog disappears too? That's some next-level drama. We were all like, "Seriously?!"

It's clear this dog was a lifeline for her. So, how on earth did it go missing?

An inside job
Turns out, this whole thing was an inside job. Colette's maid, Rebecca, and her boyfriend, Sean, cooked up this crazy scheme of abducting the dog. Apparently, Sean was in desperate need of 5 million Naira and Rebecca suggested abducting Lauretta and asking for ransom. 

The dog goes missing... again
Now, this scheme of theirs could have gone well, but Sean, being the careless person he is, ended up falling asleep, leaving the door open for Lauretta to waltz out and end up missing again. But this is where it gets tricky: Lauretta got found by Colette's husband, but he handed her to a mysterious guy to demand ransom. This was strange, but we expect more to be revealed soon.

The ransom
Just when Colette was beginning to lose hope, the abductor called, demanding a hefty ransom if she ever wanted to see her dog again.

Watch the abductors make their demands

Now, we've got a ransom situation on our hands. 10 million Naira for a dog? That's a whole new level of crazy. Malik, the ever-sceptical estate investigator, is on the case. We’re all on the edge of our seats to see how this plays out on 10th Avenue, showing every Thursday and Friday on Africa Magic Showcase at 8:30 pm.

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