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Unveiling 'The Hidden' with Ireti Doyle

29 June 2023
Ireti Doyle opens the curtain on the intricate workings of The Hidden, unveiling the inspiration, challenges, and dedication that went into crafting every episode.
A woman with an Afro

Popularly known in the Nigerian entertainment industry as a veteran actress and all-around entertainer, Ireti Doyle returns to our screens on African Magic's fiction thriller drama series, The Hidden.

Many know her character Flo Ade. However, Ireti Doyle also played the roles of Executive Producer and Head Writer of The Hidden; here's what she had to say about her charcter, directorial debut, and her prime time on set:  

How does it feel to be the lead act of The Hidden and debut as the Director?

I feel very proud. This project stretched me. I wore several hats and had several oversights alongside the mother of all – being Executive Producer, meaning that ultimately the buck stops at my table. I think that I handled it well without dropping too many balls.

What inspired you to wear more hats in the film industry?

Very early in my career, I had successful stints as a writer and production staff and contributed to some successful shows. These skills were set aside while I pursued my first love – performing. 
There was every intention of deploying them again. While being a successful Actor offers excellent opportunities, the real power is behind the camera – writing, producing, and executive positions. The Hidden heralds my second career phase; I am involved in the "business."

Creatively, I have more control; you get to determine the story and influence the process via which it is birthed. Taking on more hats, especially the role of E.P. and Head Writer, grants me a level of autonomy and allows me to continue to do what I love on my own terms.

 Why did you choose The Hidden as your directorial debut?

This story was one of several in my drafts. It was created years ago and was originally called "Project Streetwise." Same premise: the protagonist is someone that has experienced life and uses the same to help others.

The main difference between the two is that the original story was centered around teenagers and young adults, while The Hidden is centered around grown folks. When I summoned the courage to pitch, I looked through my drafts, chose the most viable, and tweaked it. The story examines the human condition, which is inexhaustible and always needs to be updated.

What was your inspiration when crafting The Hidden, and what should people expect from the show? 

My inspiration was to create a show and tell a simple story that was character driven. I wanted to create a story world symbolic of hope and redemption  – a safe space. The lead character is a composite of everyone's favourite Auntie, the one people run to in times of trouble; because they know she'd have their back.

People should expect to get caught up and invested in the characters' lives and stories. They should also expect to be left feeling slightly uneasy but entertained.

Who is your favourite Character in The Hidden, and why?

 I don't have a favourite. I created most of them, and I know them all intimately, flaws and all. To me, they are just people trying to do their best with what they have, like real people. I understand all of them, even the villains.

Were you involved in casting, and What was your experience like working with the talented cast and crew? 

Yes, I was, especially for all the key characters. I wanted to produce a good show and create a healthy work culture/environment. To this end, we were selective while hiring cast and crew. They were some of the most pleasant and dedicated people I have had the pleasure of working with. They were top-notch in talent and temperament.

 What was a typical day on set like for Ireti Doyle? 

Just like any other day! Get to set at the appointed time, have a meal if you like, then into makeup and wardrobe, after which we begin to prep for the day's scenes. We had put in a lot of work during pre-production, and I had surrounded myself with professionals who did not require constant supervision, which allowed me to carry on with the business of acting. The responsibility of being E.P. was a relatively easy one to bear. My team made it very easy.

Can you tell us about your role as Flo in the movie  The Hidden? What drew you to this particular character?

Flo Ade is the centerpiece of the story, the Matriarch of the residence, and the glue that binds everyone and all the storylines together. I was drawn to her because she represents strength of a different kind.

Everybody is loud, proud, and generally angry today, navigating life with clenched fists. Her strength is quiet but potent; one who has been battered by life but not bitter; One who has taken life's lemons and turned them into lemonade – using the same to nurture others.

What were some of the most memorable moments or scenes for you while filming The Hidden?

To be honest, all of it!  It's like carrying a pregnancy for months, birthing the child, and watching it grow. Something magical happens when words written on paper are brought to life by performance.

Day one was very emotional for me. There were other moments, too; Like when scenes played out so beautifully, Also looking up at intervals and seeing my son Adrian Doyle behind the camera -he shot some BTS and produced all the drone shots on the show. Additionally, watching episode one as a collective, the entire experience will stay with me forever, and I will be drawing lessons from it for a long time.

Can you share any behind-the-scenes anecdotes or funny moments from the set of  The Hidden with us?

None readily comes to mind. But looking back, the overall feeling leaves a good taste in the mouth. Beyond producing a successful show, the atmosphere and culture on set were also very important to me. I wanted to create a space that people were happy to work in... where regardless of their position, everyone felt valued and respected and that they were an integral part of the team, and I believe I accomplished this.

What challenges did you face as an executive film producer during the production process?

The major challenge for me was understanding/learning the process and grasping the business side of things. It was like being thrown into a master class; I had to learn many things; fast. Being on the business end of things gave me insight into why certain things happen the way they do. It was a major learning curve. I can not overemphasize how grateful I am to Africa Magic and MultiChoice for the opportunity to lay a solid foundation for the next phase.

As a versatile actress, what excites you most about taking on different roles and exploring diverse characters?

I love multidimensional characters that are complex. It's immaterial how much screen time the character gets; make it memorable!

How do you think your character and the film's overall story resonate with audiences?

I want the audience to connect with the characters and their stories; maybe they'll recognize themselves or someone in a similar situation. My overall expectation is that they are left feeling hopeful and certain that they can start over and that life does give them second chances.

Watch The Hidden trailer

Catch Ireti Doyle and the rest of the remarkable cast on another episode of The Hidden this Sunday on DStv Africa Magic Showcase CH. 151 at 20:30.