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Auntie vs. Daddy – Venge

13 October 2021
Here's how Belema and Boma have been butting heads over Bibi.
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It seems Bibi’s mother’s passing did more damage to her aunt, Belema than it did to her father. As narrated by Belema during the family’s visit to Bibi’s late mother’s graveside, her sister’s sudden passing left such a deep and dark void in her, she couldn’t help but up and leave. This is the very reason why Boma, Bibi’s father refuses to allow Belema back into their lives. The disappearing acts, he reckons, are not what Bibi needs.

Here’s how the two parental figures have been pushing and pulling in different directions.

Bibi’s liberty

Boma’s single-parent instincts automatically kick in when Bibi so much as deviates from their ‘norm’. He’s kept the hedge closed for 20+ years, since her mother’s passing and has lost sight of the fact that she isn’t a little girl anymore. Just as the FCU saga ensued, Bibi decided to spend the night at Timi’s just to unwind, and this obviously did not sit well with her father.

On the other hand, Belema realizes that Bibi’s isn’t the 7-year-old she left behind when her emotions got the better of her. Unlike Boma, she is pleased that Bibi has a man who loves her and wants something solid with her. While Boma isn’t pro-Bibi’s liberty, Belema is.

One wants to retain control, the other seeks redemption

While Boma wants to keep things as they’ve always been, despite Bibi’s increasing age, Belema wants to prove that she’s here to stay, this time around. This is obviously a recipe for a bad domestic war because Boma wants Belema out. He doesn’t trust her intentions and is counting the hours till her next disappearing act.

The uniting factor

Though these two seem to always be tugging on opposite sides, Bibi’s FCU issues are escalating fast. Efe, her accountant’s body has been found and the occurrence is being pinned on her. Boma wants the investigation to follow the legal route, but Belema wants to contact her commissioner friends to make all of this go away. Same battle, different weapons.

Watch Venge every weeknight at 20:30 on DStv CH 151 AM Showcase to see if these two finally get on the same page.