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My Flatmates


Ubong's shameless shenanigans – My Flatmates

27 April 2024
The outrageous antics of Ubong, the king of shameless living.
Ubong's shameless shenanigans – My Flatmates

How do you beat a man with no shame? Simple: you can't. At least, not definitively. Ubong, the bane of every housemate's existence, has perfected the art of shameless living. From his sister to the random stranger at the bar, no one is safe from his antics.

Mimi's misery 
Mimi, unfortunately, is Ubong's most frequent target. She walked in one day to find him feasting on the majority of her food. Her scolding barely registered on Ubong's radar – his shamelessness is an impenetrable fortress. As if to punctuate his lack of remorse, Ubong then sauntered over and finished off her juice carton. Mimi, at this point, seemed utterly defeated.

The bar fight
Honourable Dan, in a moment of questionable judgment, decided to take Ubong out for a night on the town. Predictably, disaster struck almost immediately. Ubong, true to form, picked a fight with the bar staff and generally trashed any semblance of decorum. Taking Ubong anywhere is an exercise in futility.

But wait, there's more!
Ubong, never one to miss an opportunity to annoy, proceeded to beg random strangers for outrageous sums of money, topping it all off with insults. Who does that? Ubong does. And that, my friends, is just the tip of the iceberg.

Tune in to Flatmates every weekday on Africa Magic Showcase at 7 pm to witness the full spectrum of Ubong's awfulness. You might be surprised to find yourself laughing along (while secretly feeling thankful your roommate isn't quite so...Ubong-esque).