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My Flatmates


To be married or not to be? – My Flatmates

31 August 2022
Frank and Mimi are ready to walk down the aisle, but something keeps pulling them back.
to be or not flatmates

Earlier this season, we watched Frank pop the question and Mimi say yes after some stringent terms and conditions were agreed to. With that out of the way, it was time to proceed to the next stage – getting married.

To get the ball rolling, Frank went to inform his parents and the response he got wasn’t exactly what every young man planning to get married wants to hear about his bride-to-be.

Basically, his dad didn’t think Mimi… (how do we say this in a nice way) was in the right mental frame to be his daughter-in-law. “This young lady doesn’t seem to fit the picture I’m looking for in my son’s wife,” he said. Her rage and passion for altercation were not endearing qualities Frank’s dad wanted for his son. He especially didn’t like her energy and called her “troublesome and aggressive”. He was also worried that their partnership was more about who could exercise control, rather than compatibility. Poor Frank! Just when he decided to man up and do the right thing by his woman.

It gets worse

An eager Mimi wanted to know what Frank’s dad's response was to the wedding, and Frank made the situation worse. Can't blame him though – you don’t want to be the guy who tells your fiancée that your dad doesn’t want her as a daughter-in-law because he low-key thinks you are a chaotic mess. So what did Frank do? He decided a lie would suffice. “He said it is fine,” Frank stuttered. Excited by the news, Mimi rushed to tell everybody. What a mess!

Here comes leaky Willy

You already know Frank never keeps anything from Obus, Donatus, and Willy especially when he is seeking their counsel. He ended up telling them the true outcome of his meeting with his dad. Willy, a close friend to Mimi, spilled the beans to her – and you should have seen her face. She went ballistic when she confronted Frank, accusing him of not just hiding the truth from her, but also painting her as a crazy person to his dad. For a moment, Frank might have seen what his father saw, because we did.

A rattled Frank

 As it stands, we really don’t know if we are going to have a marriage just yet. Frank is a traditional man and he understands how important it is to seek the blessings of one’s parents before proceeding to tie the knot.  Mimi on the other hand isn’t too keen on being with someone whose parents don’t like her.

It’s just that they’ve been together for so long and gone through thick and thin. We can't also overlook the fact that beneath the usual drama, they actually do love each other so there's still hope of them getting married. They just have to convince Frank's dad that they do belong together.

Tune in to My Flatmates on AM Showcase every weeknight at 18:30 WAT to see if they will overcome this initial setback keeping them from both signing on the dotted line.