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Finale: How it started vs. How it ended! – Unmarried

29 April 2021
We look back at how the Unmarried ladies’ lives changed throughout the season.
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We stepped into the second season with a rather sour taste in our mouths thanks to Funbi’s unfortunate miscarriage, Kamsi’s crumbling marriage, and Nengi’s emotional distress post-Atonye and losing her high-paying job, but nothing could have prepared us for the mind-boggling end, sha! Bring knife, let’s cut the cake!

Funbi’s uphill battles!  

It took Funbi all she had and something borrowed to finally come out of the dark place Chuka left her in after promising her a flying saucer and access to the moon. Not only was she left high and dry, but she was also forced to rekindle her and her mom’s toxic spark. A relationship she clearly didn’t need, given her state of mind.

To slap icing on the ill-baked cake, Funbi quickly fell for Chief’s charms when like Chuka, he promised to make an honest woman out of her, only to discard her like old gum. This was obviously too much for homegirl to chest because she lost it and cut her wrists in the hopes of ending it all. We’re shocked to even be saying this, but she’s lucky her mom found her. 

I’m not that Funbi anymore!

After the ordeal, Funbi knew something had to give. She couldn’t continue down that nasty old path where the likes of Chuka and Chief lurk. So, to remedy the mess, she decided to give both therapy and love a chance. Ossy made sure! It’s true that an old dog can’t learn new tricks, but Funbi broke the yoke. She walked away from another ‘sweet life’ offer from Prince and gave ‘normal’ life a chance. Things can only get better next season, yes?
Kamsi’s marital wars!

Lota wasn’t cheating after all. He took up odd acting jobs just so they could get back on their feet after being shamed by their landlord, but Kamsi read the room wrong and followed suit with a scandal of her own. She had cheated with Nengi’s co-worker and there was no going back from that, so she and Lota went their separate ways. That’s how this tale started! Kamsi decided to go through with her relationship with Nonso, and Lota found solace in Ivie’s arms. The animosity was so real between the former lovers, the kids were the only reason for them to breathe the same air.

Kamsi and Lota re-visited their vows

Junior’s bike accident was the only reason Kamsi and Lota exchanged more than two words and a few ugly stares, and this is precisely when they realised just how bound they were. Though they both knew of each other’s new loves, they shared an intimate moment during their son’s hospital stay, and while this wasn’t enough to spark an emotional reconciliation, it was a step in the right direction because they decided to move in together (Ivie was there and this was just an arrangement).

Needless to say, after lots of push and pull, as well as a physical altercation breaking out between Ivie and Kamsi, Lota confessed his undying love for his ex and the two decided to give their marriage another go.

Nengi’s toy-boy parade

After seven years of marriage and nothing to show for it but heartbreak, Nengi’s soul train wasn’t so soulful anymore. Atonye’s dirty deeds changed her so much, all she wanted was to fall pregnant and it didn’t matter if the father was a gigolo like Ade. So she prepped her pockets and gave in to Ade’s every demand just so she could conceive and prove her “worth” as a woman. Things obviously tipped and dipped when Ade obnoxiously staged a proposal and told Nengi that he was doing her a favour. So, after another passionless encounter, Nengi sent him packing and started entertaining Efe and Dr Olamide.

Finally a mother-to-be

After promising Efe exclusivity, Nengi was still unable to let Olamide go and excused this with details pertaining to her IVF journey that obviously began with the good doctor. According to her, it was unnecessary to look for another fertility specialist when she had a perfectly good one on speed dial. Homegirl obviously omitted the fact that Olamide offered to go beyond his doctoral duties and actually father the child/ren. E shock you, abi? You no be alone!

After deciding that she wanted to slow things down a bit and think harder about who would father her baby, Nengi found out that she was five weeks pregnant and toy-boy Ade (Remember him?) was the father. Talk about gross inconvenience, sha! Not only has she lost any chance of salvaging her relationship with Efe and friendship with Dr Lami (who was shocked to find out that her patient/partner was entertaining other men when not in his office taking IVF shots) Nengi will have to live with a constant reminder of her very flawed decision-making skills.

Season two was a drama serving like no other, and we’re certain that the next season will not disappoint.

Both the first two seasons #AMUnmarried are available to stream NOW on Showmax. Click here to watch.