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Dooshima's tale of love, lies, and a lost fortune – Manfriend

20 February 2024
Dooshima learns the hard way that love can be a costly losing game
Dooshima's tale of love, lies, and a lost fortune – Manfriend

Love can be wonderful, but sometimes it takes a dark turn. Dooshima found herself in a tough spot, falling for a guy who not only played with her emotions but also took away all her savings, including the money meant for her mom's big birthday bash— a whopping 50 million Naira down the drain

How it all started
Dooshima was head over heels for Segun, convinced he was her ticket to happily ever after (and away from her family, apparently). Blinded by love's glitter bomb, she missed the giant red flags. From dramatic mood swings to an unhealthy obsession with cash, Segun had "scammer" written all over him. Dooshima, envisioned him as her ticket to freedom from family ties. Love-struck and eager to break free, she didn't flinch when Segun proposed eloping to Canada, even if it meant leaving his own kids behind. Warning signs? Who needs those?

Plans to elope
To fast-track their Canadian escapade, Dooshima handed over the dough needed for travel plans. But when that wasn't sufficient, she dipped into her mom's birthday bash fund to cover the rest. It seemed like a small sacrifice for love and adventure. Little did she know, the real adventure was about to begin.

Dooshima jilted
D-day arrived, and Dooshima was all set to join Segun on their journey to bliss. Heart bursting with anticipation, Dooshima called Segun. He was "at the airport, securing their tickets," he purred. Should've been a red flag, but love is blind, remember? Later that evening, Dooshima, all packed and ready to conquer Canada, went to meet her dreamboat. Only to empty apartment. Turns out, Segun wasn't securing tickets, he was securing his escape – with his wife and kid, no less! The cruel truth hit her like a ton of bricks; Segun played her like a fiddle, leaving her heartbroken and wallet-drained.

Love, they say, is a game, but Dooshima didn't expect to be on the losing side. As she faces her family once again, Dooshima learns that love's twists and turns can sometimes lead down unexpected paths.

Don’t miss fresh episodes of Manfriend, airing every Friday at 8:30 pm on Africa Magic Showcase (DStv Ch. 151 | GOtv Ch. 12). Reconnect now on #MyDStv or #MyGOtv to enjoy all the drama and stream your favourite shows on the DStv Stream app or GOtv Stream app. Stay glued on all our social platforms for more updates