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The shady side of Chief Priest Atamebo – Omera

27 October 2024
With a gift for lying, an obsession with money, and a total lack of ethics, Chief Priest Atamebo may just be the greatest con artist Ajogu has ever known.
The shady side of Chief Priest Atamebo – Omera

When you hear “Chief Priest,” you think wise, revered, a beacon of moral and spiritual goodness, right? Well, that’s definitely not the case with Ajogu’s Chief Priest Atamebo. This guy is about as shady as it gets. Somehow, though, he’s still got the entire village fooled—but his shady tricks? They’re all too obvious, and we’re here to break them down.

The lies flow like a river
Chief Priest Atamebo lies as easily as he breathes. He claims the ancestors are speaking directly to him, giving him exclusive advice—honestly, the ancestors probably don’t even have his contact info. But with no one else able to “speak” to the ancestors, he’s got a nice little racket going. Every fib he tells, the villagers just buy it wholesale, hook, line, and sinker.

Money-hungry and land-grabbing hustler
Did anyone know land-grabbing was on the chief priest’s resume? Well, with Atamebo, it sure is. He’s been poisoning lands and labelling them “cursed” just to snatch them up from unsuspecting villagers. And when he’s not pulling off this curse shtick, he’s bribing and scheming with Onogu and his merry band of vigilantes to swipe plots from right under people’s noses. No wonder they’re calling him “Thief Priest” on X (Twitter)!

Failed medicine man
Now, you’d think if Atamebo isn’t getting his wisdom from the ancestors, he’d at least be decent with his herbs and potions. Wrong! He’s been “treating” Chief Alewo’s wife for months, and she’s only gotten worse. And let’s not get started on his own sores popping up like unwanted weeds. But does he care? Nah. He’s just out here recommending more “herbs,” which somehow only seem to make everything worse.

Vindictive and proud of It
Old age didn’t mellow out Chief Priest Atamebo one bit. The man’s pettiness is a thing to behold. His number one obsession? Running Omera out of the village because, apparently, anyone decent is an obstacle to his crooked ways. Poisoning attempts, sabotaging projects, spreading rumours—he’s throwing every trick in the book at Omera, and it’s honestly embarrassing at this point.

Playing both sides for a profit
Atamebo’s betrayal game is strong. The village is at war with its rival, and instead of loyalty, our “chief priest” is out here siding with the enemy. He’s busy sneakily selling lands to the rival village’s king, giving away chunks of Ajogu to line his own pockets. Who does that? Oh right—Chief Priest Atamebo.

As it stands, Ajogu’s still wrapped around this guy’s finger, but for how long? Will the village catch on to their “spiritual leader’s" tricks? Keep watching Omera every weekday at 8:00 PM on Africa Magic Showcase to see if Justice will finally catch up with the Thief Priest himself.

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