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Prince Nelson

Surname:  Enwerem

First Name: Nelson

Other Name: Onyedikachi

Big Brother Name: Prince Nelson

Hobbies: Reading, Music, Video Games.

Brief Bio:  A Graduate of Pure Physics from University of Calabar.

Occupation: Business Man, Actor, Model, TV Host

Date of Birth: 02/08/1995

State of Residence: Lagos

State of Origin: Imo

Country of Residence: Nigeria

Relationship Status: Single

Explain Your Relationship Status: Very Single

Describe Yourself: Purpose Driven, Family Oriented, And Highly Ambitious.

What Has Been the High Point of Your Life? Being Able to Open a Salon of My Own

What Has Been the Low Point of Your Life? Never Had Such Moment

Tell Us About the Last Time You Were On the Show: It Was a Dream Come True Because Coming On the Show Was a Promise I Made to Myself 9 Years Ago, So Every Day in The House Was Like a Dream Come true.

Tell Us Something New That Has Happened Since the Last Time You Were On the Show: I Have Opened a Salon, I Have Lots of Business I Am Running, Hosted My Own TV Show, Being On a Netflix and Cinema Movie, privileged to Work with Several International Brands as an Ambassador.

Why You Have Decided to Come Back to Big Brother’s House: This Time Around I Am Just Back to Enjoy Myself, Relax and I Feel Like I Work So Hard and I Took the Last Experience Too Seriously. So I Am Coming Back to Prove and Work On Myself More but Mostly I Am Coming Back to Have Fun.

Lucy Image : 576
Sholzy Image : 578
Prince Nelson Image : 579