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Relationship ABCs: 5 building blocks for Ultimate Relationships

20 March 2020
How do you build strong relationships? Let the Ultimate Love Guests teach you a thing or two.

From their chat with Aunty about future plans and life outside the show, it is without doubt that it’s getting super real with the ships in Aunty’s Love Pad. An ultimate relationship is more than intimate moments or winning the Love Nest challenge – which is why the Love Guests are getting intentional about creating an emotional glue that enables loyalty, trust and support.

The question is . . . how do you do this? How do you transform casual connections into meaningful and lasting relationships? Let’s take a look at the factors that have evidently worked for the Love Couples 💘

Building block one -  Communicate: Just as Aunty advocates during every one-on-one session with the Love Guests, communication is key in building a solid foundation for your relationship but also making sure the emotional bond with your partner is solid. One thing the Love Guests struggled with initially was differentiating communication with understanding. To enable great communication, you should understand that it is only successful if it both parties communicate, listen and understand.

Building block two - Honor Diversity: It is no news that some of the Couples are having a hard time understanding and accepting their partners’ cultures, backgrounds, demographics, etc. However, to effectively communicate, you must understand that everyone sees the world differently. Your partner is not a magician, so he or she might not have the perfect roadmaps in this thing called love. Understand, accept and respect your partner’s diversity.

Building block three - Establish transparency and trust: The connection between your words and actions is important in building good relationships and of course, trust. Imagine having to live with a partner that calls you every hour to know where you are or imagine being a partner that constantly checks your spouse’s phones for messages from the opposite sex? Where’s the trust? You won’t even be able to rest or have peace of mind. This screams unhealthy in high volumes and if you know trust can’t be built in your relationship, don’t bother thinking it’s your village people that are following you.

Building block four - Pay attention: Relationships feed on attention and quality time; so imagine what happens if you starve your relationship? Not only have the Love Couples taken advantage of being in Aunty’s Love Pad to spend time with their partners, they have also been able to establish and understand each other’s love languages – to which majority of them admit that spending quality time strengthens their bonds.

Building block five - Let go of expectations: If you constantly expect to receive love in certain ways from your partner, you’re setting your relationship up. As earlier mentioned, you need to understand that your partner has been exposed to a different way of life and background and as such, will only know how to love in a different way. The way to bridge this gap is through transparency and communication; it’s time to teach your partner how to love you.

Building block six - Be willing to support and learn from each other: Get comfortable being alone but also see your partner as a reflection of how you can be a better person. Be your partner’s number one cheerleader in areas that affect his/her accomplishments and goals.

Let’s play a short game shall we? Don’t worry, you won’t be judged on this one, it’s simply a self-assessment that helps you rate your relationships internally. You MAY use a pen and paper for this one. Enjoy! 💁


Answer Yes or No to the following questions . . .

  1. The person I'm with is very supportive of things that I do.
  2. The person I'm with likes to listen when I have something on my mind.
  3. The person I'm with understands that I have my own life too.
  4. The person I'm with gets extremely jealous or possessive.
  5. The person I'm with constantly checks up on me or makes me check in.
  6. Do you listen, truly listen, to your partner's concerns and complaints without judgment?

Please note that this quiz can also help you become aware of the things you may need to improve within yourself and your relationship. Don’t forget to keep the conversation flowing using #UltimateLoveNG on our social media pages.

Ultimate Love airs 24/7 on DStv Ch198 and GOtv Ch29. Tune in daily and play your part in shaping Naija's most epic love story yet. Voting opens every Tuesday at 20:00 WAT / 21:00 CAT and closes on Thursday at 22:00 WAT / 23:00 CAT so keep at it to save your favourite Couple.

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