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Day 38: Sheggz and Allysyn are the clowns of the House – BBNaija

30 August 2022
They became Tails of House after yesterday's HoH Games.
Tail of house

While Dotun was crowned as the Head of House yesterday after successfully lunging his dart onto the prized balloon that held the Head of House messages, Sheggz and Allysyn were deemed by Big Brother as this week's Tails of House. 

As this week's Tail of House, Sheggz and Allysyn were handed a box of fun items by Biggie's Ninjas that contained costumes that both Allysyn and Sheggz would need to use every day to dress up in. Biggie also gave the Level Up Housemates carte blanche to decorate Allysyn and Sheggz's faces with face paint. 

Allysyn who got emotional yesterday over her position in the Head of House game was seen on the dining room table with Chizzy this morning, on day 38, working to get her dolled up in her costume. On putting the finishing touches, Chizzy commenced with painting her face but not before Allysyn pleaded, "don't make me look like a clown." 😅. The costume must have had a positive effect on Allysyn who was later seen singing cheerfully while adorning it.

Sheggz on the other hand begrudgingly wore the costume after protesting about its skirt. He exclaimed that the item of clothing was not meant for men. His protests eventually died down and he wore his full costume, even spotting a smile on his face after wearing it.

Here is how our Tails of House looked today:

Day 39: The Tail of House had another day of make-up and costumes as they continue their week-long Task by Biggie. In the morning, Allysyn's face was painted by Chichi and then by Dotun but she wasn't too pleased with this but had no choice since Biggie had said anyone could paint the face of the Tail of House. Chizzy also joined in on the fun but Allysyn continued with the complaints saying it was painful.

Sheggz on the other hand did not need assistance with his outfit. He however decided to furnish Doyin with an explanation about why he is Tail of House for the week. He told Doyin that his position as Tail of House was meant to be because before the HoH Challenge he spent 30 minutes praying for himself and Bella. 15 minutes for Bella and 15 minutes for himself. In conclusion, Sheggz explained, that splitting his prayers with Bella instead of praying for himself alone, is what led to his loss.

Day 40: After getting ready for the day and right when Biggie had announced that the hot water was no longer available, Allysyn was already getting her clown artwork done on her face. She sported her clown wig and let Chomzy paint her face.

Day 41: Today, Chomzy and Deji did the honour of painting Allysyn's face as Tail of House and she seemed to love it as she told Chomzy to be creative. Allysyn was also the only Tail of House who seemed to remember her position during the Pool Party as she gladly wore her pink wig all through. Sheggz on the other hand looked like he was ready to party without any hassle as he was dressed without any material attached to the Tail of House. 

Day 42: The Tail of House were spotted with only their wigs today. After waking up, Allysyn and Sheggz did not fail to carry out their assignment as Tail of House as they wore their clown wigs at the start of the day. While in their wigs, they took part in cleaning the House and carrying out other chores. Their House cleaning session was especially interesting as they had a mini jam session alongside their fellow Level Up Housemates. 

Day 43: Allysyn and Sheggz did not really get into the clown mood today and this was evident as they forgot to wear their costume. This did not go unnoticed by Biggie who questioned them about it during their Eviction Diary Session. Sheggz apologised for not taking the role seriously while Allysyn had said she forgot her wig in the lounge before coming into the Diary Room. 

Day 44: It's uncertain whether today would be the last day that Allysyn and Sheggz assume the role of the clowns of the House following their poor performance during last week's HoH games, but Big Brother didn't leave much to interpretation when expressing his disapproval at both of them during yesterday's Diary Session for constantly forgetting to wear their full clown costume. This Allysyn, Allysn was the first one to put on her costume thought there was no facepaint activity on her face. 

Sheggz followed suit with his wig but chose not to wear the skirt that came with it, despite being chastized by Biggie for what he described as insolence. Taking a leaf from his clown of the House counterpart, Allysyn, Sheggz also forewent the process of getting his face painted by his fellow Housemates.

With seven days into the Tail of House Task, do you think it's about time Biggie pardoned Sheggz and Allysyn?

AdekunleAllysynBellaBryann, ChichiChomzyDaniellaDianaDoyinEloswagGiddyfiaGroovyHermesPhyna and Sheggz have been Nominated and are up for possible Eviction. You have until Thursday 21:00 WAT/ 22:00 CAT to Vote for your favourite Level Up Housemate on Mobile, Web, and the MyDStv or MyGOtv apps. Watch the show live on the 24-hour channels 198 on DStv and 29 on GOtv. Fans across Africa and the UK can sign up on the streaming service Showmax. Make sure you don't miss anything from Biggie's world on our website and be part of the #BBNaija gist on Twitter, InstagramFacebook, and TikTok. Season 7 of Big Brother Naija is sponsored by headline sponsor Pocket app and associate sponsor Flutterwave.