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Kim Oprah

Surname: Opara

First Name: Chinonso

Other Name: Ibinabo

Big Brother Name: Kim Oprah

Hobbies: Traveling, Playing Tennis, Golfing

Brief Bio: A Serial Entrepreneur, TV Personality and Travel Enthusiast

Occupation: TV Personality

Date of Birth: 15/12/1995

State of Residence: Lagos

State of Origin: Imo

Country of Residence: Nigeria

Relationship Status: Single

Explain Your Relationship Status: Single as A Pringle

Describe Yourself: Goal Getter, Ambitious, Adventure Lover

What Has Been the High Point of Your Life? Starting Kim’s Secret

What Has Been the Low Point of Your Life? Losing My Dad

Tell Us About the Last Time You Were On the Show: It Was a Brief but Exciting Stay

Tell Us Something New That Has Happened Since the Last Time You Were On the Show: I Am Now the Presenter for Trending On Hip TV

Why You Have Decided to Come Back to Big Brother’s House: I’ve Got Unfinished Business with Biggie.

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