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More prenuptial drama for Frank – My Flatmates

18 March 2023
Frank thought his biggest obstacle to marrying Mimi was getting his father's blessing, but there's more.
prenupt drama for Frank My Flatmates

Frank is getting cold feet about tying the knot with Mimi! But wait, the plot thickens because guess who's finally giving their blessing? None other than Frank's dad, who's been against the whole thing from the get-go! Talk about a plot twist! Mimi's over the moon, but poor Frank is sweating buckets knowing he's running out of excuses to delay the wedding.

The coast isn't clear yet, there's more! Mimi's annoying cousin, Ubong, has also come to town and is causing trouble for everyone, especially Frank. It's like he's made it his life's mission to torment Frank. You should see the bride price Ubong drew up for Frank. He did say he came to Lagos to hustle, but we didn't know he meant hustling Frank. Is Ubong Frank's nemesis, catching up with him for some past sin? It's starting to seem that way! Every time Frank turns around, Ubong's right there, ready to pounce and make his life miserable and it's clear that he is not going to let up anytime soon.
But it's not just Frank that Ubong is tormenting – the rest of the flatmates are also feeling the heat. Willie, in particular, is at his wits' end with this guy, regretting the day he ever offered to take him in. From constantly annoying him to going around town racking up debts in Willie's name faster than a cheetah chasing down its prey, it's been one drama after the other. 
Looks like drama is the order of the day for everyone involved, and with a new season of My Flatmates premiering, it's safe to say that things are just getting started. Will Frank and Mimi finally tie the knot? Or will Frank run for the hills at the first opportunity? Will Ubong ever stop annoying Frank and the rest of the flatmates? Or will he drive them all insane? Tune in to find out! It's going to be a bumpy ride, but we guarantee you'll be laughing your heads off along the way.