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Day 65: Housemates create Patricia art installations – BBNaija

27 September 2021
The Housemates envisioned a life with Patricia through art.

To start off the Finale week, Big Brother gave the Housemates a fun painting exercise.

For this task, each housemate was required to make any painting of their choice and incorporate any of the Patricia elements listed below:

  • The Patricia “P” icon
  • The Astronaut
  • The Rocket
  • Bitcoin

A box containing these elements was been provided to them. They had to take turns picking one element from the box. Whatever element they picked had to be incorporated in their paintings.

The geng was given 90 minutes to create their paintings. Once the 90 minutes elapsed, they had to all gather in the main lounge to present their paintings. Each Housemate had five minutes to present and share the motivation behind their pieces.

All Items need for this Task were provided in the storeroom. They proceeded to collect them and they were encouraged to wear their merchandise immediately shortly after which the timer for the Task started.

The Task

The Housemates proceeded to fetch their supplies and set up their paint, canvases and easels in the Garden area. Whitemoney was painting a piece based on the Astronaut element. Cross worked on the Patricia “P” icon. Whitemoney was at another end of the Garden working on a piece with the Astronaut element and Emmanuel’s piece was Rocket inspired.

Whitemoney’s on The Astronaut

Whitemoney's art piece was inspired by a story about a child who wanted to become an astronaut but his parents didn’t understand what he wanted to be. His parents, however, supported him. He grew up and went on to study Astronomy. After completing his studies he went home to tell his mother but on the way there he found out that she had passed on. With time he goes on to get a job at the “P” Patricia Head Quarters and he becomes an Astronaut there. His living father comes to witness the son’s success as an Astronaut. He was a happy father having eventually recognised that this was indeed a good path for his son to take.

Liquorose on Bitcoin

She had a coin with a mixture of colours; orange, red, purple, green and black. She presented the colours as a representation of all the emotions and problems people of colour go through. “In life, we are always trying to work and achieve things, we always face obstacles,” she said, metaphorically explaining the relationship between bitcoin and real life. “All the problems we go through are similar to what gold goes through before it becomes a coin.” she narrated.

Emmanuel on The Rocket

Emmanuel had a painting that depicted a rocket taking off from the land, a blue sky, rural areas and all the elements one would generally see in life; in his words. He told a creative story about the arrival of Patricia in the form of a rocket ship. “This rocket signifies Patricia bringing improvement and betterness to society.” He went on to describe the significance of his part piece.  

Cross on The Patricia “P” icon

Stepping out of a sleepy state, Cross introduced his art peace as you would expect. “Ladies and Gentlemen!” he started. He took us on “a little walk around the P” he had on his canvas. He described it as a world consisting of different kinds of people represented by the seven Ps on the colourful “P” icon he painted. “People have feelings and going through a lot in life. Everyone is under the category of P,” he began explaining. In his presentation he gave a narrative of Patricia giving cover for all necessary things in life such as working from home, trading, moving around the world and even getting a good partner.“What is it is that you want in life? Patrica has you covered. Make your life profitable.” he ended.

All four Housemates did their best to creatively present their art pieces and the winner of the Task is yet to be announced. 

For more information on this exciting new season, keep an eye on the website and follow our official Big Brother Naija social media pages on Instagram and Facebook. Be a part of the conversation by using the hashtag #BBNaija. Watch Big Brother Naija on DStv channel 198 and GOtv channel 29. Proudly brought to you by headline sponsor Abeg, and associate sponsor Patricia. You don’t want to miss out on any of the action so sign up on DStv or get GOtv Max.