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My Flatmates


Chief Donatus just hit the Jackpot – My Flatmates

23 June 2024
From rolling up in a new car to being the centre of a love triangle, Chief Donatus’s life just got a whole lot crazier.
Chief Donatus Just Hit the Jackpot – My Flatmates

So, Chief Donatus finally struck gold! After lobbying forever, he scored a lucrative contract to supply furniture to a big establishment. And guess what? The first installment of the payment just landed in his account. Now, you might think this is where the story ends, but oh no, the real fun is just beginning. Chief Donatus, who was already a handful with no money, is now rich—and utterly insufferable!

What he did first
You'd expect him to roll up his sleeves and get to work, right? Wrong. The first thing Chief did was buy himself a brand-new car. And of course, his mission was to show off to his flatmates. And boy, did he succeed!

Next up on the splurge-fest? 
Buying drinks for everyone and generally throwing money around like confetti at a wedding. Chief's inner sugar daddy made a grand (and slightly embarrassing) appearance.

Woman trouble
And with great wealth comes great…woman trouble. Chief has gone from zero to hero in the dating scene, with women practically fighting over him. They’re actually begging for his attention. Who knew?

Haters gonna hate
But it’s not all smooth sailing. Chief’s newfound wealth has also attracted envy from his flatmates. While they’re busy kissing up to him, they’re also plotting to get a piece of his pie.

How will it all turn out? Can Chief handle the pressure of his new status? Will his flatmates’ schemes succeed? Find out on My Flatmates, every weekday at 7pm on Africa Magic Showcase!

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